Practical, creative support with an emphasis on partnership, authentic connection, and emotional well-being.

Educational Decision Making

My approach to educational planning and decision making is highly personalized. I’ll develop an understanding of your family and the needs of your child, and together we’ll explore the options.

Home-Learning Support

From homeschool curriculum choices to school-based remote learning challenges, I can help you design and structure a home-learning experience that centers joy and helps your family thrive.

Direct Services

I work with students on a range of supportive skills, from practical writing skills, executive function skill-building, school and college application guidance, to new-school transition support.

From pre-school to college, I can support your family along the entire educational journey.

For parents of younger children, I can help you…

  • Gain a better understanding of your child as a learner

  • Bring joy into the home learning experience

  • Learn strategies for how to teach your child while minimizing conflict

  • Create learning routines that your child can carry out independently

  • Design systems for teaching children of multiple ages

  • Supplement your child’s online learning with home-based activities and routines

  • Create a learning schedule that is both predictable and flexible

  • Design a learning space that doesn’t take over your whole home

For parents of older children, I can help you…

  • Teach your child organization and time-management skills to help them stay on track and complete assignments independently

  • Help your child improve their writing skills through all stages of the writing process

  • Teach your child reading comprehension strategies for more advanced texts

  • Teach your child to study for tests and exams using research-proven strategies

  • Help you supplement your child’s learning with subject-specific resources

I am also available to provide direct academic support for children with learning difficulties including…

  • ADHD (all types)

  • Executive function challenges

  • Language-based learning disabilities 

  • Auditory processing disorders

  • Non-verbal learning disorders

Ways to work together


Single Sessions

60-minute sessions for consultation with parents and direct support for students.

Session Bundles

Pre-plan a series of monthly, semester, or school-year sessions.

Extended Support

With an emphasis on building relationships and long-term partnerships, I can be a resource as your family moves through decision-making points along the full educational journey.

When our son was formally diagnosed with ADHD in 6th grade, teachers had been quick to suggest medication, but no one until Apple has given me an understanding of how my son processes information, what his strengths are, and where his deficits lie.

Apple not only identified what she believes are the impediments to his flourishing, but also a framework for improving his thought processes. In implementing her plan, we’ve found Apple to be an outstanding one-on-one educator, even virtually.
— P. Smyth
We consulted with Apple about whether to start homeschooling our son. She listened to all of the factors we were weighing and reflected them back to us in a way that helped us see the situation with new clarity and perspective.

The consultation was a turning point that allowed us to make the decision that was right for our family. We left feeling confident about our next steps, and we continue to be grateful for the guidance Apple provided.
— S. Katz

Let’s Begin

If you’re ready to learn more about how we can work together, please fill out the inquiry form. By sharing a little bit about your child and your current educational needs, we can begin our first session fully engaged in possible solutions.